VIVA缩写的意思-VisiÓn Con Valores (Spanish; Guatemala political organization)


  • 【英文缩写】: VIVA
  • 【英文全称】: VisiÓn Con Valores (Spanish; Guatemala political organization)
  • 【中文解释】: VisiÓn Con Valores (Spanish; Guatemala political organization)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: VIVA 相关英文缩写
以上为VisiÓn Con Valores (Spanish; Guatemala political organization)英文缩略词VIVA的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
VIVA VisiÓn Con Valores (Spanish; Guatemala political organization) VisiÓn Con Valores (Spanish; Guatemala political organization)
VIVA Very Impressive Vocational Achievement (Rotary Club) 令人印象深刻的职业成就(扶轮社)
VIVA Vegetarians International Voice for Animals (UK) 素食者国际动物之声(英国)
VIVA Vegetarians International Voice for Animals 素食者国际动物之声
VIVA VEGF in Ischemia for Vascular Angiogenesis 血管内皮生长因子在缺血中的作用
VIVA Vibrant, Intellectually, Vigorous Adults 精力充沛、智力超群、精力充沛的成年人
VIVA Volunteer Investment and Value Audit (UK) 志愿者投资和价值审计(英国)
VIVA Virgin Islands Vacations and Villas 维尔京群岛度假和别墅
VIVA Value In Volunteer Acknowledgment 志愿者致谢的价值
VIVA Valuable Information Value Added 有价值的信息增值
上表最多展示VIVA的10条常用含义,点击 VIVA 查看更多。


  • VIVA VisiÓn Con Valores (Spanish; Guatemala political organization)
  • RUK Reserviupseerikoulu(Hamina、芬兰、预备役军官学校)
  • UBO UniversitÉ de Bretagne Occidentale (French University Britanny)
  • UNC Universidad Nacional de CÓrdoba (Spanish, Argentine University)
  • UVV UnfallverhÜtungsvorschrift (regulation for accident prevention)
  • SHH Svenska Handelhögskolan (Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki)
  • TBS Tonbandstimmen (German term related to Europäische Volkspartei)
  • SAPO Serviço de Apontadores Portugueses (Portuguese ISP and portal)
  • PICS Programmes Internationaux de CoopÉration Scientifique (French)
  • PRC Partido RenovaciÓn Costariccense (Costa Rican Renovation Party)
  • PFD Partido Fuerza DemocrÁtica (Democratic Force Party, Costa Rica)
  • PAD Pädogogischer Austauschdienst (German foreign exchange service)
  • PDI Parti DÉmocratique Islamique (Islamic Democratic Party, Rwanda)
  • NCR Nucleo Central de ReacciÓn (Guatemala, special police division)
  • OK 奥拉卡拉(希腊语:一切都好,一字,好)